Aerovox Research Worker
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69 Issues of  AEROVOX Electronics Research Worker Mag 1949 -1964

Here topics of the 69 editions of AEROVOX Research Worker tat exist in the reference library at SMECC. These are 4-6 page papers that were sent out by AEROVOX Corp. They deal with all types of electronic components and systems, and are full of detailed instructions, illustrations and schematics. These are from 1949 through 1964. They measure about 8.5 by 11 inches.   They were originally mailed in an envelope, so they have been folded, but still, are in very good condition in a nice binder to protect them. They are as follows:

February 1949. The Transistor - An Amplifying Crystal.

June 1950. Non-Sinusoidal Wave Forms. Part 1, Passive Wave Shaping Circuits.

July 1950. Non-Sinusoidal Wave Forms. Part 2, Generators And Nonlinear Shapers.

October 1950. Audio Frequency Distortion Measurements. Part 1,Methods Of Measurement.

November 1950. . Audio Frequency Distortion Measurements. Part 2, A Practical Distortion Analyzer.

April 1951. Printed Electronic Circuits.

March 1952. Proper Use Of Bypass Condensers.

August 1952. That Dielectric Amplifier.

October November 1952. Recent Developments In Transistors.

January 1953. Proper Electronic Wiring Techniques.

April May 1953. Junction Transistor Circuits.

February 1953. The Magnetic Amplifier.

October November 1953. Non Linear Resistors.

September October 1954. Electronic Oscillators. Part 2: Local Oscillators In AM Receivers.

November 1954. Electronic Oscillators. Part 3, Tracking.

December 1954. Elementary Binary Arithmetic.

January 1955. Class B Transistor Amplifier Data.

February March 1955. Conversion Type DC Amplifiers.

April May 1955. Electronic Oscillators. Part 4, VHF And UHF Oscillator Circuits.

June 1955. Constant Current Supplies.

July 1955. . Sensitive Transistorized Field Strength Meter. Part 1, Circuit Description.

August 1955. Sensitive Transistorized Field Strength Meter. Part 2, Construction, Calibration And Use.

September October 1955. Testing Semiconductor Diodes.

November December 1955. Simple, Inexpensive Geiger Counters.

January 1955. Recent Trends In Single Sideband Communication.

February March 1956. Ferroresonant Circuits.

April 1956. Improved, Crystal Type Noise Generator .

May June 1956. Thermistor Applicator.

July August 1956. Tubeless Amplifiers.

September October 1956. Load Lines In Transistor Amplifier Design.

November December 1956. R-F Transistors. Their Characteristics And Applications, Part 1.

January February 1957. R-F Transistors. Their Characteristics And Applications, Hard 2.

March April May 1957. Audio-Frequency Impedance Measurements.

June July 1957. Small High Voltage Supplies.

August September 1957. Understanding The New Microwave Tubes. Part 1. The Traveling Wave Amplifier.

October November 1957. Understanding The New Microwave Tubes. Part 2. The Back Wave Oscillator.

December 1957. Measuring Antenna Performance.

January February 1958. Microphones And Their Placement .

March April 1958. Audio Frequency - Measuring Requirements. Part 1.

May June 1958. Audio Frequency Measuring Requirements. Part 2.

July August 1958. Maximum Charge And Discharge Currents For Capacitor, Inductor, And Resistance Circuits.

September October 1958. Applications Of Zener Diodes.

November December 1958. Phase Measurements.

January February 1959. An Experimenter's Potentiometer.

March April 1959. Silicon Rectifiers.

May June 1959. Transistorized Relay Circuits.

July August 1959. Fixed Capacitors In Transistor Circuits.

September December 1959. Dielectric Absorption.

January March 1960. Basic Measurement Of Capacitance. Part 1.

April June 1960. Basic Measurement Of Capacitance. Part 2.

July September 1960. Elementary Binary Arithmetic.

January February March 1961. Capacitor Energy Storage.

October December 1960. High Capacitance Electrolytics In Low Voltage, High Current Filters.

April May June 1961. Inductive And Reactive Effects In Straight Wires.

July Aug. Sept. 1961. Voltage Variable Capacitors, Part 1.

October November December 1961. Voltage Variable Capacitors, Part 2.

January February 1962. RC Timing Circuit Considerations.

April May June 1962. Temperature Compensation.

July August September 1962. Additional Counting Methods.

October November December 1962. Substitution Type Capacitance Measuring Circuits.

January February March 1963. Frequency Selective Audio RC Networks: Simplified Design.

April May June 1963. Aids To Timing Circuit Design. Part 1, RC Circuits.

July Aug. Sept. 1963. Aids To Timing Circuit Design. Part 2, RL Circuits.

October November December 1963. Capacitors In Tunnel Diode Circuits.

January February March 1964. Dielectric Constant: Its Meaning And Measurement.

April May June 1964. Modern Photodevices And Applications.

October November December 1964. Semiconductor Devices Has Nonlinear Resistors.

July August September 1964. Accuracy Of Capacitance Measurements.


It appears we have some gaps unless they were irregularly issued!  If you have any issues that can help us fill these in please email us. - editor...

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