A New Microwave Television System
Bell Telephone System Monograph B-1416
By J.F Wentz and K.D. Smith 1947
(From the K.D. Smith Collection

J41622, ISSUE 2 AT&TCo Standard
SECTION· 806-107-150 Issue 2, February 1971 AT&TCo
1.01 This specification together with the supplementary
information listed herein covers the equipment design requirements of
typical TE radio arrangements. Supplementary information is listed
covering mechanical, electrical, and transmission factors to provide a
guide for selecting material for TE applications.
1.03 The type TE radio system, either TE-1 or
TE-2, is a frequency-modulated microwave system in the
4000-megacycle range. It is used for one-way transmission of television
signals over line-of-sight paths in such applications as relaying
television video signals from originating studios to commercial television
transmitting stations, pick-up to local offices, or as a radio link to
extend wire or radio facilities. In addition to serving as a single link,
point-to-point television channel, several sets of this equipment may be
used in tandem to form a relay system of more than one jump. Dual-channel
operation is possible over a single link or a multiple link system.
Standard RMA black and white television signals are transmitted but the
accompanying audio signals are not transmitted by the TE equipment.
Paralleling facilities for the sound program and for order wire must be
provided. Since the operating frequencies and method of modulation are the
same, TE-1 transmitting equipment may work with TE-2 receiving equipment
and vice versa. On dual-channel operation, paired band-pass filters are
required in both the transmitting and receiving equipment, and the same
filters are used with both the TE-1 and TE-2 equipments. Both the TE-1 and
TE-2 radio systems may be modified per J41608-806-107-151, J41609 Mfr
Disc., J41616 Mfr Disc., and J41617 Mfr. Disc. to permit them to carry
NTSC color television signals as well as monochrome signals.
1.05 TE equipment may be combined in various
ways and with a number of different antennas.
A summation of the various combinations of TE equipment
that have been made available is covered by the following table:
1.04 Separation of RF Equipment and Antenna:
The TE equipment may be operated with the RF equipment
close behind the antenna or with a considerable separation between the RF
equipment and the antenna. To prevent incurring excessive transmission
penalties when the transmitter RF equipment and antenna are separated, a
radio amplifier and combinations of waveguide and coaxial cable have been
made available. J41621 covers the TE-A1 radio amplifier; J68335,
ED-45471-01, and ED-45472-01 cover the waveguide and coaxial cable
arrangements; ED-45473-01 and ED-45474-01 cover bay layouts; while
transmission considerations are covered in letters filed under AT&TCo
Topical Index Code 183.4 Radio Engineering Data-Antennas and Transmission
Lines. A waveguide isolator may also be employed when there is
considerable separation between the TE transmitter RF equipment and the
This specification is reissued to incorporate previous appendix
(c) American Telephone and Telegraph Company,
1971 Printed in U.S.A.
Page 1
SECTION 806-107-150
J41622, ISSUE 2
No Separation Between r.f. Equipment and Antenna
Separated r.f. Equipment and Antenna
TYPE ?? |
*Antenna |
TE-I |
A, D
Trans. Single Channel
A, C, D |
Trans. Single Channel
See J 41608
See J41608, ED-45471-01,
TE-l |
D |
Trans. Dual Channel
A, C, D |
Trans. Dual Channel
See J41608
See J41608, ED-4547l~l,
TE-I |
A, D
Receiving Single Channel
A, C, D |
Receiving Single Charnel
See J41609
See J41609, ED-4S47l-0l,
TE-l |
D |
Receiving Dual Channel
A, C, D |
Receiving Dual Channel
See J41609
See J41609, ED-4S471-01,
B,C, D |
TE-2 |
B |
Trans . . Single Channel
Trans. Single Channel
See J41616
With TE-Al Radio Amp-'
1ifierSee J41616,
ED-4S47l-01, ED-4S472~,
TE-2 |
B, C, IJ |
Trans. Dual Channel
With TE-Al Radio Amp-
lifier See J41616,
ED-4S471-0l, ED-4s472~1,
rE-2 |
B |
Receiving Single Cl'a1ne.l
B, C, D |
Receiving Single Channel
See J4l6l7
See J41617, ED-4~471-01,
ED-45472-0l, ED- S473~Ol
TE-2 |
B, C, D |
Receiving Dual Channel
See J416l7, ED-4S471-01,
ED-4S472-0l, ED-4S473.QI
*A KS-5708,Ll TE-l Parabolic Antenna |
B KS-5708,L2 or KS-S708,L2 and L3 TE-2 Parabolic Antenna |
C KS-5759,Ll Shielded Lens Antenna |
D KS-5706,L2 or L3 Shielded Lens Antenna |
1.06 Antennas:
Either shielded
lens antennas or parabolic reflecting antennas may
be used with TE equipment. Antenna selection and location depend on a
balance among several factors such as path length, path clearance,
signal-to-noise ratio permitted, interference possibilities, antenna
supporting structure, etc. Portable towers of aluminum in various heights
to 144 feet are available to support a parabolic antenna and associated
r.f. unit as well as floor mounted frameworks. Antenna and antenna
mounting arrangements for use with TE equipment are covered in J41610
whi1e avai1able towers are covered in J41618.
1.07 TE-Al Radio
Amplifier:. The
TE-A1 radio amplifier consists of a two stage
amplifier used between a TE transmitter r.f. unit and an antenna to permit
separating the two without incurring excessive transmission penalties. The
necessary power supplies, air supply and mounting
Page 2
arrangements are integral with the amplifier. J41621
covers the ordering information for this unit and ED-45398-01 shows the
equipment arrangement.
1.08 Waveguide Isolator: A
waveguide isolator
may be used when there is considerable separation
between the TE transmitter RF equipment and-the antenna. It is recommended
that a Cascade Research Corporation isolator, Uniline 38-42WE, or its
equivalent, be installed in the waveguide run, as close to the RF
equipment as possible, whenever waveguide runs in excess of 5 feet are
used. Refer to J41608--806-107-151 and J41616-Mfr Disc.
1.09 Type TE-l Radio
Transmitter Equipment:
The type TE-1 radio transmitter equipment (J41608) consists of three
basic components; video equipment in a floor supported cabinet, r.f.
equipment mounted in a cabinet, and lastly a highly directive
This is taken from a catalog of BSP's that's about 20 years
old, so some of the listings may no longer be available.
TE1 Microwave radio
409-100-100 Description, overall system
409-100-500 Tests
TE1 Transmitter
409-110-100 Description
409-100-500 Tests
TE1 Receiver
409-120-100 Description
409-120-500 Tests